Sunday 7 September 2008

St Martin's Church, Herne

Herne, a tiny village just inland of the bay, is blessed with a magnificent church that boasts many historical associations in it's own right. It is built from a combination of flint and ragstone and work commenced during the 14th century.

Probably it's most famous incumbent was Nicholas Ridley, vicar in 1538. He became bishop of Rochester in 1541 and then Bishop of London in 1544. Once in London, he was automatically involved in affairs of State.

Unfortunately for him, he chose to support Lady Jane Grey's claim to the throne of England (rather than Mary). That choice was to cost him his life. After a religious debate at Oxford, he was found guilty of heresy. His punishment was to be burnt at the stake on 16 October 1555, along with bishop Hugh Latimer.
I used a 'Fish eye' lens to take this picture, I like it because I love the effect the fish eye lens affords the picture. I know another black and white picture, but on this occassion, I feel it gives the photograph an eerie and quirky feel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll put your blog in my blogroll (more affectionately known as the "bogroll") Just to do my bit for "putting good ole Herne bay on the map".

Also would love a post about Reculver Towers......